Interactive Tables

Find the numbers you need in a flash, whether you're looking for national, international, regional or industry data. With BEA's interactive tables you can:

  • Create customized charts
  • Share your data with social media tools
  • Download data as comma-separated files, spreadsheets or PDFs


Search, retrieve and analyze data with our application programming interface designed for developers and analysts. With BEA's API you can:

  • Access the subsets of data you need for your analytical tools
  • Retrieve data in JSON or XML format
  • Get metadata with HTTPS requests and use extensive online documentation

Open-Source Tools

Access BEA's GitHub repository to do even more with our data. With these tools you can:

  • Quickly and conveniently pull the latest data from the API using our Python and R packages
  • Search, analyze, and visualize data faster and in new ways
  • Convert data sets into the format you need
  • Replicate select BEA products and tailor them to your needs